Great pellets at great price
Our commitment is to work tirelessly to ensure we can bring to the UK market the highest quality product at the best possible price
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From nature to your doorstep
We source our wood pellets from the 15% of sawdust which is wasted in the timber industry during processing. Therefore a great provide for nature lovers.
You can trust Simply to provide you and your family with high quality organic wood pellets.
Tried and Tested Winter Fuel
Our Wood Pellets come in Simple Clear Bags, without a branding or logo. However what we save on promotion and marketing we put back in to the quality of the Fuel.
Moisture Content: 8%
Ash Content: 0.42%
Calorific Value: > 4.8kWh
Mechanical Strength: > 98%
We only use de-barked wood, and are known for our particularly light coloured pellets. For those requiring certified pellets for compliance in there boiler we are now offering a A1 wood pellet.
Claiming the RHI?
If you are on the government RHI Scheme then you are able to claim back by selecting the correct fuel which is marked as BSL Authorised.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.